Tuesday, March 28th 2023

Tuesday, March 28th 2023

We had a fantastic meeting on Tuesday with 3 prepared speeches about great customer service, street markets and colours of personality. Our training session on “using your voice” by Ben Jervis was both informative and engaging. The topics session was themed around...
Tuesday, March 14th 2023

Tuesday, March 14th 2023

On Tuesday, we had a wonderful experience at Loughborough Speaker’s Club. The event featured three prepared speeches that covered topics such as ideal body type, heart health, and first cars. Additionally, we received valuable training from Benjamin Jervis on...

The ASC and local clubs

The Association of Speakers Clubs is a collection of Speakers Clubs. Formed in 1972 it comprises approximately 120 clubs located throughout the UK. Membership currently stands at more than 1800. When you join Derby & District Speakers Club you get all the benefits...